Monday, July 21, 2008

Population growth and projected water shortages

The Colorado Water Conservation Board forecasts “by 2030, 2.8 million more people are expected to call Colorado home; water demands will increase 53 percent during this time” (CWCB, 2006). Depletion of the Denver Basin Aquifer will continue, while management tools exist to reduce the impact. Wells will continue to be drilled into the basin, further exasperating the problem of drawdown and low yield while raising costs of water production. Less desirable and costly water will need to be used to satisfy demand. Surface storage infrastructure needs to be expanded as population grows to provide renewable resources, especially during droughts.


DMRath said...

Fantastic blog site.

I must say, It's hard to imagine what our lives would be like without easily accessible water. We take it for granted. I'm so thankful that there are those who work hard at providing it for us.

I thank God everyday for clear, hot and cold water coming into my home.

Anonymous said...

Colorado seems to be in big trouble. Something needs to be done to correct this problem in the near future. Nice blog.

dustin berger said...

i think this is if not the most impotant than one of the most impotant issue facing our generation!

dustin berger said...

i meant important....

dustin berger said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rile720 said...

Water is key for survival. To think where we will be in 2030 if something isn't done is scary to think about. Thanks for bring this issue to my attention.

art said...

this is a greatly pertinent topic especially on a small scale, like the situation in CO. Not to mention the world water crisis that has yet to be dealt with. Good presentation. I really like the opening with the question. Great work.

Unknown said...

Hi Tim,

I never would have known the correct asnwer to your poll had I not recently finished your paper. It is a good introductory way to make the viewers of your blog start to think. You did a great job of incorporating visuals and written information about this important issue. The only suggestion I have is with your weblinks; it is fairly easy to get those inserted directly as hyperlinks if you play around with it a bit. Other than that your site looks great, very professional and provocative.